Now on bioRxiv: Enhancer activity assays 2.0 - resolving ORI-initiation and type-I-interferon response in human cells

Enhancer activity assays 2.0 - resolving ORI-initiation and type-I-interferon response in human cells now available on bioRxiv [1].

Our results and protocols can be found on our STARR-seq website.

[1] Muerdter F*, Boryń ŁM*, Woodfin AR**, Neumayr C**, Rath M, Zabidi MA, Pagani M, Haberle V, Kazmar T, Catarino RR, Schernhuber K, Arnold CD, Stark A. Resolving systematic errors in widely-used enhancer activity assays in human cells enables genome-wide functional enhancer characterization. bioRxiv, 2017 July 17.